Linked Pasts 10 and Linked Pasts Japan 1 will be held in person at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan from 9 to 12 December 2024.
The Linked Pasts Symposium brings together scholars, heritage professionals and other practitioners with an interest in Linked Open Data as applied to the study of the ancient and historical world. All the activities taking place in the Linked Pasts are goal-oriented discussions and collaborations, instead of research presentations as is usual in a conventional academic conference.
The 10th Linked Pasts annual symposium will be hosted by the ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities from 9 to 12 December 2024 at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.
This is the joint symposium with the First Linked Pasts Japan symposium to promote communication with the Linked Pasts Japan community. Because this is the first Linked Pasts symposium in East Asia, we also welcome partners from East Asia to make this symposium a place for global communication.
The symposium is an in-person event, but it also offers hybrid sessions to allow online attendance. The agenda and output of each activity will be published as an online Google document.
Participation in the conference is free.
6 December 2024: the deadline for the registration of the conference and the social event.
After the deadline, you can also register on-site.
- The time zone is JST (UTC+9).
- The last column represents the language of the session: Ja = Japanese, En = English. Ja (En) will be a session in Japanese with partial support for English.
- The Zoom link for a hybrid session will be shared with registered participants.
- The onsite venue is different for each day. Please check the venues from December 10 to 12.
The program was last updated on 22 November.
Day 1 (9 December)
National Institute of Informatics, 12th Floor, Room 1208 |
13:00-15:00 | Asanobu KITAMOTO | Japanese Toponym Platforms for the Past and the Present – GeoLOD, GeoNLP, Geoshape, Rekichime, and Rekichizu | Ja (En) |
15:30-17:30 | Tatsuki Sekino | Using and Linking RDF Resources for Japanese Calendar Dates in Linked Data | Ja (En) |
Day 2 (10 December)
Hitotsubashi Hall, 2nd Floor, Room No. 4 |
10:00-12:00 | Linked Pasts Japan Session | Introduction of the community and past activities | Ja |
Hiroki UEMATSU | Linked Data for earthquake observation data and its application to historical earthquakes | Ja | |
14:00-14:30 | Jun Ogawa, Ikki Ohmukai | Opening Session | En |
14:30-15:30 | Asanobu KITAMOTO (Keynote) | Linked Pasts for Japan: A Vision for the Historical Big Data Platform and the Digital Humanities Consortium | En |
16:00-17:30 | Poster Session (List of posters), including Lightning Talks | En | |
18:00-20:00 | Gethin Rees | Map and Present your data with Peripleo | En (Hybrid) |
Day 3 (11 December)
Hitotsubashi Hall, 2nd Floor, Room 203 |
10:00-12:00 | Natsuko NAKAGAWA, Akihiro KAMEDA, So MIYAGAWA | Exploring Network Models of Language, History, and Culture in Local Communities | En |
13:30-15:30 | Ryan Horne | A Network of Linked Places: Spatial Network Construction using Pleiades, World History Gazetteer, and GeoJSON | En |
16:00-18:00 | Jun Ogawa, Gabriel Bodard | How People Think about People in the Pasts? Concepts and Methods Implemented in Historical People LOD Projects | En (Hybrid) |
18:00- | Social Event | ||
Day 4 (12 December)
Hitotsubashi Hall, 1st Floor, Room 101 |
10:00-12:00 | Asanobu KITAMOTO |
En (Hybrid) |
12:00-13:00 | Closing | En |
List of posters
- Satoru NAKAMURA: Linked Data with Old Illustrated Maps (Ja)
- Toshiyuki YAMADA, Ikki OHMUKAI: Collecting and Transforming Web-Related Timelines into a Reusable RDF Format Linked with Wikidata (Ja)
- Briar Rose PELLETIER: Digitally Linking and Archiving the Maine-Aomori Sister-State Transnational Art Exhibitions with CollectionBuilder (En)
- Hiroki UEMATSU: Discovering new relationships between the Koji-Ruien and Waka using knowledge graphs (Ja)
- So MIYAGAWA: Visualization and Annotation of Events in the Vita Sinuthii (En)
- Shintaro YAMADA: From Text to Linked Data: Constructing Knowledge Graphs of Medieval Icelandic Sagas Using LLMs (En)
- Liam DOWNS-TEPPER: Where Data Goes to Die: Lost Links and Reference Rot in Digital Humanities (En)
National Institute of Informatics and Hitotsubashi Hall
Call for Activity
Activities in the event are collected in three categories: Activity, Tutorial & demo, and Poster. As the event will be a joint symposium of both Linked Pasts 10 and Linked Pasts Japan 1, activities can be organized either in English or in Japanese.
You will be organizing a session (about two hours) or a series of sessions and providing topics and an agenda for the discussion. Applicants should submit an abstract of 300-500 words, including the background, objective, possible topics, main audience, and an estimated number of sessions you consume.
Example: past activities at the Linked Pasts 9.
Tutorial & demo
There will be tutorials or demos on 9 December. In an abstract of 300-500 words, proposers need to explain in detail the tool they intend to introduce in the session.
Example: demos on the Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC) and the Trismegistos LOD Platform at the Linked Pasts 5.
Posters introduce the budding research or preliminary result of their studies. Abstract should be composed of up to 300 words.
Example: the list of posters from the Linked Pasts 7.
Submission deadline: 30 September 2024
Submission deadline for hybrid sessions: 15 October 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 2024
An abstract in English with your name, affiliation, contact, activity type (Activity, Tutorials & demos, or Poster), and session language (English or Japanese) should be submitted to the Programme Committee contact email
Note that submission should be in English even for activities in Japanese to ensure that the programme committee members can review the submission.
Hosting Institution
ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities
Organizing Committee
- Jun Ogawa (National Institute of Informatics / ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities, Japan)
- Asanobu Kitamoto (ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities / National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Makoto Goto (National Museum of Japanese History, Japan)
- Ikki Ohmukai (The University of Tokyo)
Programme Committee
- Jun Ogawa (chair, National Institute of Informatics / ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities, Japan)
- Asanobu Kitamoto (ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities / National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Yukiko Kawamoto (Nagoya University)
- Goki Miyakita (Keio Museum Commons, Japan)
- Kimberley Martin (University of Guelph)
- Valeria Vitale (University of Sheffield)
- Shintaro Yamada (The University of Tokyo)
- Marius Streinu (National Institute of Heritage, Romania)
- Ayano Kokaze (The University of Tokyo)
- Gabriel Bodard (University of London)
- Taizo Yamada (The University of Tokyo)