4th CODH Seminar
A New Trend on Image Delivery in Digital Archives
- IIIF's Potential for Standardization and Sophistication of Image Access -


For recent years, universities, libraries and museums in foreign countries are pushing a trend toward delivering high resolution and high quality images to the public. One of the factors that drives this trend is IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework), which is a framework to establish a standard process for image delivery.

IIIF is an activity on top of the international community, and this framework allows us to lower the burden of system development for image delivery. The adoption of IIIF has been in line with other trends such as open data and open science, and many prominent organizations already started the delivery of high resolution data using IIIF.

This trend is now coming to Japan, and some organizations have already started image delivery using IIIF. However, it seems that many people still have questions that have not been answered by experts, such as what is IIIF, what are successful cases on IIIF adoption, what kind of software is available, and what are the challenges and expectations of IIIF.

Hence the goal of this seminar is to share information about IIIF from a wide perspective, together with reports on the latest trend discussed in 2017 IIIF Conference, held in June 2017 at Vatican. We welcome people who are intrigued by the keyword "IIIF," such as those who want to know the latest information about IIIF, who want to develop and operate (open source) software, or who want to find people with similar interests.

Basic Information

Date July 27, 2017 (Thu) 13:50-17:00 (open 13:20)
Venue National Institute of Informatics, 1208/1210 meeting room
Registration Registration is free, and the capacity is 120 people. There is no registration on the day, so please proceed to advanced registration.
Language All presentations are in Japanese.
Organized by Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH), Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems
Supported by Technical SIG, Japan Society for Digital Archive



Seminar was succesfully completed. We had 122 participants.


Registration was closed due to the lack of seats.


13:20 Open
13:50-14:00 Introduction Asanobu KITAMOTO (CODH/NII)
14:00-14:35 Recent Trends of IIIF
世界中の画像を相互利用可能にするフレームワークIIIF Akihiko TAKANO (National Institute of Informatics)
IIIFと文献資料:マルチレイヤー展示からWebコラボシステムまで Kiyonori NAGASAKI (International Institute for Digital Humanities)
IIIFでの画像データのリンク生成の取り組み Chifumi NISHIOKA (Kyoto University Library)
IIIFで進むソフトウェア開発と画像公開プラットフォームへの道 Asanobu KITAMOTO (CODH/NII)
14:35-15:10 Case Studies of IIIF
バチカン図書館におけるIIIFの適用の今後の拡張 Hiroshi SUGINO (NTT Data)
慶應義塾大学メディアセンターでのIIIFへの取組み Shin IRIE (Keio University Media Center)
「新日本古典籍総合データベース」におけるIIIFの利用について Kuninori MATSUDA (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
IIIF規格の拡張に基づくキュレーションやタイムラインを用いた画像公開事例 Asanobu KITAMOTO (CODH/NII)
15:10-15:20 Break
15:20-15:55 IIIF and Software
東アジア資料のためのIIIFの活用:縦書きとアノテーションを中心として Kiyonori NAGASAKI (International Institute for Digital Humanities)
IIIFを利用した人文学共同研究のためのツールの開発について Masanao SATO (The University of Tokyo), Ikko OHTA (Kyoto University)
DrupalとIIIFを組み合わせたデジタルアーカイブシステム Kunihiro IMURA (MENOX)
IIIF:もっと使える機能、そして拡張の可能性 Masahide KANZAKI (Xenon Limited Partners)
15:55-16:30 Challenges and Expectations in IIIF
京都大学貴重資料デジタルアーカイブの課題と今後の展望 Chifumi NISHIOKA (Kyoto University Library)
博物館資料とIIIF Ryoji MURATA (Tokyo National Museum)
IIIFへの期待:より豊かな情報資源への協働 Tomoko OKUDA (National Diet Library)
美術史研究でのIIIF活用に向けた期待 Akira TAKAGISHI (The University of Tokyo), Chikahiko SUZUKI (CODH)
16:30-17:00 Discussion All


Presentation slides: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1485/00000316/


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000305


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000317


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000308


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000313


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000314


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000307


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000309

IIIF規格を拡張したオープンソース画像ビューアIIIF Curation Viewerによるキュレーションやタイムラインの活用について、人文科学における貴重書画像だけでなく、自然科学における衛星画像の公開等に関する事例を紹介する。

Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000306


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000311


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000310

IIIFを利用するためには、IIIF manifestを作成する必要があります。しかし、IIIF manifestは、人間の手で簡単に入力できる構造ではありません。そこで、IIIFとメタデータ管理に優れているオープンソースのDrupalというコンテンツ・マネジメント・システムと組み合わせて、IIIF manifestを自動作成するソフトウェアを開発しました。開発したソフトウェアについてご紹介させていただきます。

Presentation slides: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1485/00000319/


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000318


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000315


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000312


Presentation slides: doi:10.20676/00000304

IIIFによる高精細画像に対し、IIIF Curation Viewerなどのツールを活用して簡易に顔などをリスト化できることで、美術史の根幹ともいえる様式研究がさらに発展する。また、過去に行われた様式比較をツールを活用して追体験することで、教育的にも大きな効果をもたらすことができる。今後、e国宝などを通して様々な名品の画像がIIIF対応することで、美術史でのさらなる活用が期待できる。


Past CODH Seminars


22th CODH Seminar - Hentaigana in the Digital Age: The Inheritance and New Developments of the Japanese Written Character Culture


21th CODH Seminar - Digital History: Concepts and Practices


20th CODH Seminar - The end of lexicography, welcome to the machine: On how ChatGPT can already take over all of the dictionary maker's tasks


19th CODH Seminar - Collective Intelligence and Creative AI: A framework for augmenting creative human expression


18th CODH Seminar - Micro Typology and Digital Archive: Case Studies on Bantu languages and Japanese-Ryukyuan languages


DH 2022 Tokyo Commemorative Lecture Series / 17th CODH Seminar - Historical Big Data - THE DARK MATTER OF HISTORY


16th CODH Seminar - Digital Archives for Cities and Towns - Historical Big Data and Usage in the Real World


15th CODH Seminar - Art History Research to be Transformed by IIIF and AI - Interpreting Japanese Painting Scrolls in Middle Ages by Style Comparative Study on Large-Scale Facial Expression Data


14th CODH Seminar - 100 Recipes for IIIF Curation Platform


13th CODH Seminar - Present and Future of Historical Big Data Research


12th CODH Seminar (Online) - AI for Culture: From Japanese Art to Anime


12th CODH Seminar - AI for Culture: From Japanese Art to Anime


11th CODH Seminar - Text Mining for Analyzing Research Communities: Sociological Topics and Socio-Technical Imaginaries


10th CODH Seminar - Document Analysis and Character Recognition


9th CODH Seminar - Computer Vision with Limited Labeled Data


8th CODH Seminar - Exploring Deep Learning for Classical Japanese Literature, Machine Creativity, and Recurrent World Models!


7th CODH Seminar - Manifold Mixup: Encouraging Meaningful On-Manifold Interpolation as a Regularizer


6th CODH Seminar - Historical Big Data - Challenges in Transforming Historical Documents to Structured Data for the Integrated Analysis of Records in the Past -


5th CODH Seminar - Trustworthy Data Repositories - Forum for Sharing Practical Information about CoreTrustSeal Certification -


4th CODH Seminar - A New Trend on Image Delivery in Digital Archives - IIIF's Potential for Standardization and Sophistication of Image Access -


3rd CODH Seminar - Usage of DOI for Humanities - Assignment of DOI for Scholarly Resources such as Research Data and Museum Collections -


2nd CODH Seminar - Old Japanese Character Challenge - Future of Machine Recognition and Human Transcription -


1st CODH Seminar - Big Data and Digital Humanities