Welcome to JADH2018
The Eighth Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2018) "Leveraging Open data"
The conference finished. Thank you for your participation. We hope you enjoyed the conference, and your stay in Tokyo.
September 9-11, Hitotsubashi-Hall, Tokyo, Japan
The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities is pleased to organize its eighth conference, Eighth Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2018), hosted by Center for Open Data in the Humanities.
JADH2018 is co-located with TEI Conference & Members' Meeting 2018 (TEI2018).
Registration is required for (1) at least one of the authors of accepted
papers and posters, (2) all panel speakers, (3) presenting co-authors at the conference.
For participants, please see Guidelines for participants.
Keynotes are open to the public (free registration is required).
- (2018-09-12) The conference finished.
- (2018-09-09) Proceedings of JADH2018 is available.
- (2018-09-06) Japanese version of Keynotes are released.
- (2018-09-05) Casual Dinner on September 11 are released.
- (2018-09-02) Online registration has ended. Please come to the venue for on-site registration.
- (2018-08-31) The time of the Banquet is changed.
- (2018-08-16) Excursions are released.
- (2018-08-03) Guidelines for Paper and Panel Sessions are released.
- (2018-07-30) Keynotes and Guidelines for Poster Session are updated.
- (2018-07-26) Guidelines for Poster Session are released.
- (2018-07-23) Workshop title is released.
- (2018-07-20) Sessions and Keynotes are released.
- (2018-06-11) Registration is started.
- (2018-06-11) Guideline for Final Revision of Abstracts available.
- (2018-05-22) CFP is closed.
- (2018-05-10) Deadline for poster presentations is extended.
- (2018-04-21) JADH2018 Conference Website is Open.
Organized by
- Organizing Committee, Japanese Association for Digital Humanities
Hosted by
Co-organized by
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) Construction of a New Knowledge Base for Buddhist Studies: Presentation of an Advanced Model for the Next Generation of Humanities Research (15H05725, Masahiro Shimoda)
- International Institute for Digital Humanities
Sponsored by
Supported by
- Japan Art Documentation Society
- IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities
- Japan Society for Digital Archives
- Japan Association for English Corpus Studies
- Japan Association for East Asian Text Processing
- The Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan
- Japan Society for Information and Media Studies
- Japan Society of Information and Knowledge
Past JADH Conferences
Please direct all queries to conf2018[at]jadh.org